Tuesday, November 27, 2012





回台灣前夕被Playaround問說要不要一起帶今年的工作坊,本來只有一天,後來又加上了跟Spela一起帶五天的工作坊。然後,就有種好像以前很零散的線頭全都聚集在一起的詭異狀態,有史以來身邊第一次出現一票弄生物藝術的人們,而且大家或多或少都曾經在世界某個角落交錯點頭打招呼過,例如我跟采容曾經在Linz睡同一間房間... 例如我今年到Linz的時候又拿到同一間房間的鑰匙...例如夜市工作坊的Austin...

於是有點莫名奇妙又隨機的我們就成立了台灣生物藝術群組,開始每週聚會一次。於是有點莫名奇妙的,廣毅提到Johnny Walker的申請。於是莫名其妙的,在我回台灣兩個月整的今天,被迫要很認真的去回答申請Johnny Walker的"夢想起源"。

原先的動機可能很簡單,如果我們想要做什麼事情,基本上都是需要經費的。但是我們不屬於傳統藝術領域,我們也還沒足夠資源直接進駐實驗室做出我們想要的作品,大家也都是剛開始很嫩的藝術工作者wanna be,所以覺得Jonny Walker申請恰好是個好機會來統整一下我們的方向,而有了幾天很密集的討論。然後,更多奇怪的事情發生了...



很久很久沒有遇到這種其實大家想的都是一樣的對話。(如果只是我一廂情願其實也沒關係啦 :p)













(我想要把社會科學領域的人們也算進來... 除了抗爭、討論以外,是不是我們關心的議題也能用什麼方式轉化以後有所產出而真正改變這個社會呢?可不可以不要等上面的老人們從制度面更改、再等上五年十年讓政策變成實際?)






我想這個夢想泡泡一直在那邊,隱藏的飛在台灣上空,是大家每天做的夢... 只是不是每個人都有那樣的自由跟能力去把泡泡固態化... 所以我們五年前才會短暫的寫過那樣的blog... 所以A會去當老師,所以B會去弄保育,所以C會跑去英國,所以D會去北藝,所以E會做今天做的事情,所以F會變成藝術家.... 這張表可以一直一直列下去....


Friday, March 9, 2012


3/6 送爺爺入塔






Thursday, April 1, 2010

Fluxus with ode on Snow Leopard....

[Jaen's the hero for this :P]

Obviously the Mac version provided on Fluxus website is not the only thing you need. It requires ODE as well.

But macports install the wrong ODE version. (Said to be the PPC version, but I'm using an intel mac)

So in the mailing list someone said that Fluxus doesn't work with ode-0.9. However, it was not correct either. To build ode-0.9 does not create the libode.1.dylib file that was required.

Anyway, it ended up with that ODE 0.11.1 is working fine with fluxus.

So this is how it goes:

1. Using ode-0.11.1 source code
2. Compile in 32-bit mode because automatically gcc is set to x86-64

./configure --with-trimesh=opcode --enable-double-precision --enable-release --enable-shared --disable-demos --prefix=/opt/local CC="gcc -m32" CXX="g++ -m32" LD="g++ -m32"

--prefix=/opt/local will have ode installed to the right place on mac
CC="gcc -m32" CXX="g++ -m32" LD="g++ -m32" set the compiler to compile in 32-bit mode


sudo make install

And there you go~

Monday, January 4, 2010

My new year wishes and goals for 2010

1. To keep up with the newest science development, always.
2. To make every thing, every object, in life, useful.
3. To make science and art more friendly to people. Let science be playful.
4. Hackerspace in Taiwan! :P Or something like that. :P
5. Have fun always. No matter how hard things are, they are always fun. :P
6. Love the world and see more good of it. Pay attention to everything. See their beauty.
7. Pay back to the society whenever able to. :)

...... it's all the matter of fun, anyways. :) Love life and enjoy life.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


As this is posted in such a public space it might be dangerous to me. :P

I'm just having some crisis of why doing so again.

In this world there are so many things that are more "saying" than "doing". Maybe I don't know enough about other countries, this is what I have observed in Taiwan.

So you create an art work, and its nice, but you still have to write a bunch of crap to prove its worth. Or vice versa, you made a crap, and you write a bunch of crap to make it look awesome. It doesn't matter. In the end what matters is how you write.

Then why not just write, and do nothing?

What's the difference between art work and critics?

I can write well. But I just don't want to do so right now. No. I've been trained well on writing chinese, but I just don't want to use the power of pen (and some fancy words without real meanings) to *make a work look valuable*.

Sometimes this "writing activities" makes me wonder if it is cheating at all. Seems not, since all the "activities" (in art) are just about "writing competitions" along with personal tastes anyway. It IS about the writing, not about the "work" after all. So why not just accept it?

Yes I actually took time to read through many thesis written by art / interactive art / design students. 80% of them I really can't see anything new except for citing references. Usually McLuhan, Barthes, Derrida, Sontag, Baudrillard, Ascott, Benjamin... And there are rarely anything new. Then why write it?

Oh because it's just a game about how you speak. *wink*

Really the question is just whether you want to play the game with them or not. (But I really don't want to.)

So I have a crisis, again.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Long since I last posted. Right now I am work on my SOP/Motivation/Essay for applying universities. Hard to write. Especially hard for my current status: the "tofu" status. My brain is full of tofu right now. :p No, maybe not tofu, but just fat and protein that doesn't even functioning. Oh I am so amazed that I am still capable of writing. The life have been so dull in the past one month, and I feel so dead. It's like there's always a threshold of motivations (to live) that when I push myself above the threshold then I am living happily, but if I didn't work hard enough then I am nothing more than vegetables... or carnivorous plants. *wink*

There's an exam waiting for me this weekend, and I am not studying at all. Really. And I have to make sure one of my application sends out before Oct 25. Neither am I preparing the digital portfolio. OMG. How do I work when my brain is nothing but junk?

Only one good thing is I am much more clear about what I want now. So writing the SOP is just hard for starting and writing itself instead of thinking of what my motivations are.

But still still still...

I think I need some talks with my friends to make my brain move.

Saturday, August 8, 2009



Monday, August 3, 2009




Thursday, June 18, 2009

A touching paragraph on Wikipedia

Primo Levi suggested that Anne Frank is frequently identified as a single representative of the millions of people who suffered and died as she did because, "One single Anne Frank moves us more than the countless others who suffered just as she did but whose faces have remained in the shadows. Perhaps it is better that way; if we were capable of taking in all the suffering of all those people, we would not be able to live."[57] In her closing message in Melissa Müller's biography of Anne Frank, Miep Gies expressed a similar thought, though she attempted to dispel what she felt was a growing misconception that "Anne symbolises the six million victims of the Holocaust", writing: "Anne's life and death were her own individual fate, an individual fate that happened six million times over. Anne cannot, and should not, stand for the many individuals whom the Nazis robbed of their lives... But her fate helps us grasp the immense loss the world suffered because of the Holocaust."[61]

From Wikipeda: Anne Frank

Friday, June 5, 2009

A film about web 2.0
