Thursday, April 1, 2010

Fluxus with ode on Snow Leopard....

[Jaen's the hero for this :P]

Obviously the Mac version provided on Fluxus website is not the only thing you need. It requires ODE as well.

But macports install the wrong ODE version. (Said to be the PPC version, but I'm using an intel mac)

So in the mailing list someone said that Fluxus doesn't work with ode-0.9. However, it was not correct either. To build ode-0.9 does not create the libode.1.dylib file that was required.

Anyway, it ended up with that ODE 0.11.1 is working fine with fluxus.

So this is how it goes:

1. Using ode-0.11.1 source code
2. Compile in 32-bit mode because automatically gcc is set to x86-64

./configure --with-trimesh=opcode --enable-double-precision --enable-release --enable-shared --disable-demos --prefix=/opt/local CC="gcc -m32" CXX="g++ -m32" LD="g++ -m32"

--prefix=/opt/local will have ode installed to the right place on mac
CC="gcc -m32" CXX="g++ -m32" LD="g++ -m32" set the compiler to compile in 32-bit mode


sudo make install

And there you go~

Monday, January 4, 2010

My new year wishes and goals for 2010

1. To keep up with the newest science development, always.
2. To make every thing, every object, in life, useful.
3. To make science and art more friendly to people. Let science be playful.
4. Hackerspace in Taiwan! :P Or something like that. :P
5. Have fun always. No matter how hard things are, they are always fun. :P
6. Love the world and see more good of it. Pay attention to everything. See their beauty.
7. Pay back to the society whenever able to. :)

...... it's all the matter of fun, anyways. :) Love life and enjoy life.