Defamiliarization or ostranenie is the artistic technique of forcing the audience to see common things in an unfamiliar or strange way, in order to enhance perception of the familiar. A basic satirical tactic, it is a central concept of 20th century art, ranging over movements including Dada, postmodernism, epic theatre, and science fiction. A fine example is Pepe le Pew's phrase "My sweet peanut of brittle".
A term used by the Russian Formalist Viktor Shklovsky to describe the capacity of art to counter the deadening effect of habit and convention by investing the familiar with strangeness and thereby deautomatizing perception. Defamiliarization is not simply a question of perception; it is the essence of "literariness." Calling attention to its techniques and conventions ("baring the device"), literature exposes its autonomy and artificiality by foregrounding and defamiliarizing its devices
From the early 1960s to the mid-1980s, John Szarkowski, Director of the Department of Photography at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, applied Formalist ideas to the study of photography. Szarkowski was addressing a pivotal question: How can the photograph be an aesthetic expression when it is found in so many different contexts and used for so many different (often non-artistic) purposes? Szarkowski's response was to isolate the image within the art museum and limit discussion of the work to an appreciation of its formal qualities, in order to emphasize the work of art in and of itself. As he stated in reference to his 1963 show The Photographer and the American Landscape: “The landscape is considered not as scenery, natural history, or economics, but solely as a subject for picture taking.” The subject matter of the photograph was important only as it contributed to the balanced relationship of elements within the frame. A change in form was a change in content as, for Szarkowski, form and content were one.
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